
Guide to US Expatriation Tax Requirements

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a US expat in Canada, Mexico, China, or any other country on earth: when it comes to compliance with expatriation tax, the rules depend not on which nation you moved to, but on the specific date you expatriated from...

New IRS Reporting Requirements for RRSP Account Holders

RRSP stands for Registered Retirement Savings Plan.  RRSPs are Canadian accounts, and are used to hold investment assets and savings.  In October of 2014, the IRS updated its RRSP policies to make filing requirements simpler for US taxpayers, and under...

Who Needs to Report Foreign Assets Under FATCA?

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, often shorted to FATCA, was introduced in March of 2010. FATCA targets US taxpayers who attempt to evade their tax obligations by concealing assets with foreign financial institutions (FFIs), and non-compliance could result in...
6 Common Taxpayer Mistakes