
Am I Required to File a State Tax Return if I Live Abroad?

If you’ve visited the US Tax Help blog before, you probably already know that US citizens residing in foreign countries are legally required to file a federal tax return – and, depending on certain criteria, to disclose foreign bank accounts to the IRS by...

What Are the Tax Filing Thresholds for 2016?

Even if you’re earning income, you may not be required to file a tax return.  It depends largely on whether your income surpasses certain financial thresholds, which differ from year to year and filing status to filing status.  This article will...

How Does the IRS Decide if an FBAR Violation was Willful?

If you’re a regular reader of our tax blog, you may already be familiar with the IRS FBAR requirement, or Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts.  If this term is new to you, here’s a quick summary to get you caught up: all U.S. persons,...

IRS Now Recognizes Same-Sex Marriage In Every State

On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed the right to same-sex marriage. The landmark ruling, known as Obergefell v. Hodges, was a monumental...

What are the Top 5 2015 Tax Deadlines for U.S. Expat Taxes?

First of all, United States expatriate tax laws apply to any person who is temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than the United States. That being said, tax day for all Americans, including expats, is April 15, 2016. April 15 as tax day only changes...
6 Common Taxpayer Mistakes