
How Does a Mid-Year Move Abroad Affect US Taxes?

Whether you want to travel or you got a professional opportunity you can’t refuse, you might consider moving overseas. However, things can get overwhelming once you start thinking about logistics and complications, like taxes. Before you move abroad as an...

What Is IRS Form 8938?

Regardless of where they live, American citizens must file taxes in the United States. That includes American expats who retain their citizenship. Because of this, it’s important to understand the various additional forms expats are required to file regarding...

Is Cryptocurrency Reported on Form 8938?

Moving overseas doesn’t absolve U.S. citizens from paying taxes. It also doesn’t excuse them from reporting their financial assets. Currently, the IRS views cryptocurrency as property. Because of this, it’s important for American expatriates to...

What Country is the Best Place to Live to Minimize Your Taxes?

Becoming an expatriate doesn’t mean that you’re no longer an American citizen. As long as you remain a citizen of the United States, you’re required to pay taxes to the American government. But expatriates may wonder if they’re perhaps paying...
6 Common Taxpayer Mistakes